Fat Thursday !!!

According to one superstition, if you don’t eat at least one Pączek on Fat Thursday you will have bad luck for the rest of the year.

The day is not over yet, you better take care of your future happiness … 😉

Below, my mom’s recipe for Faworki – French dough fingers served with powdered sugar.

Enjoy <3



1 cup of flour

pinch of salt

pinch of baking powder

one tablespoon of spirit

4 tablespoons of heavy cream

three egg yolks

powdered sugar

2 blocks of lard

And here’s how to prepare it:

  1. Mix together the flour, salt, baking powder, spirit, cream and egg yolks.
  2. Cut the rolled, thin dough into stripes.
  3. Cut a slit in the middle of every stripe.
  4. Pull one end through the slit.
  5. Heat lard.
  6. Fry faworki around 1 minute on every side (or until golden).
  7. Sprinkle faworki with the powder sugar.

Bon appétit 🙂


Tłusty Czwartek

Zgodnie z jednym z przesądów jeśli nie zje się chociaż jednego pączka w Tłusty Czwartek,  będzie się miało pecha przez resztę roku.

Dzień się jeszcze nie skończył, więc lepiej zadbajcie o swoje przyszłe szczęście  …. 😉

Poniżej przepis na faworki mojej mamy 🙂

Smacznego <3


1 szklanka mąki

szczypta soli

szczypta proszku do pieczenia

łyżka spirytusu

4 łyżki śmietany

3 żółtka

cukier puder

2 kostki smalcu

A oto jak je zrobić:

  1. Wymieszaj mąkę, sól, proszek do pieczenia, spirytus, śmietanę i żółtka.
  2. Rozwałkuj ciasto (im cieńsze tym lepsze) i pokrój w paski.
  3. Natnij w każdym pasku dziurkę.
  4. Przeciągnij jeden koniec paska przez dziurkę.
  5. Podgrzej smalec.
  6. Smaż faworki przez ok. 1 minutę lub do mementu, w którym się zezłocą (z dwóch stron).
  7. Posyp faworki cukrem pudrem.

Bon appétit 🙂

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Let’s warm up! …. tiled stove<3

Beginning of a new year is a nostalgic moment. Frosty evenings with mulled wine, lots of plans and New Year’s resolutions, which are likely to hold out until February…

There’s something about winter that just makes me want to slow down a little. That’s the time of being together with my family, enjoying my house, fireplace and the view of the snow-covered garden.

There is one special place „where time stood still”. It is a big kitchen with a tiled stove at my parents’ house. That’s the place where I stop to warm up my frozen hands and to gossip with my sister. It warms an entire house with a gentle, evenly radiated warmth.

In Lower Silesia  where I come from,  there are still many old houses with post-German tiled stoves. I’ve never understood people who decided to demolish them, instead of leaving them even for decorative purposes.

Those who do not have a chance to possess the original one, they can order it at a stove fitter. The ceramic elements are mainly formed by manual shaping in a special forms. It is worth to create by yourself a color, shape and pattern – just to give this uniqueness.

Today, a tiled stove could utilize wood, coal, gas or electrical hot water and may even have a separate baking compartment attached, according to individual tastes and ideas.

Prices of the products range from PLN 2.000,00 up. There is also a possibility to buy already cleaned tiles from old tiled stoves. Those with a beautiful ceramic and gold ornaments cost up to several thousand PLN.

This is not a cheap pleasure, it is more an investment. But definitely worth it …

Tiled Stoves fit into the Provencal, Scandinavian, rustic and vintage interior. But it also looks impressive in the modern and industrial interiors.

I look forward to the great return of the tiled stoves … I feel that this will happen very soon 🙂

Stay tuned <3



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